The Case of the Missing Books

Checking a kindergartener out this afternoon, I stop him before he scans his book.

Me:  “The computer says you still have a book out.”
Him:  “Uh-huh.”
Me:  “Do you know where it is?”
Him:  “At my house.”
Me:  “Do you know where it is at your house?”
Him:  “On my toaster.”

I’ve been teaching them to keep books away from food and drink; I just didn’t think it was necessary to teach them to keep from treating books as food and drink.


The Wednesday Wars

The kindergarteners were throwing lunchboxes in the cafeteria.  My fifth grade announcement anchors decided they were comedians.  First graders had a pencil fight.  Second grade trashed the library.

Camel, I’m really glad to see you!

So Many Children

Sorry for the week-long absence from cyberspace here.  Feeling a little like the old woman who lived in a shoe.  We had 700 students at school last year and jumped to 850 this year.  With a daily half-hour lunch duty added to my routine and less time at the end of the school day to wrap things up before bus duty I’ve been a little rushed and overwhelmed.  (Also I am, as always, suffering the beginning of the year re-entry shock of kindergarteners.)  However, I do not like being away from my keyboard, so look for more frequent posts from here on out.


Delayed Reaction

Day 351

So I woke up this morning in my own bed, glad not to be driving anywhere immediately.  I caught up on email and social networking, sorted through three weeks of snail mail, and cleaned up a ton of cat hair (it builds up faster than the mail).  I finished unpacking and putting things away, scheduled a lunch date with a friend, got a haircut, organized my vacation photos, and had dinner with my parents.

Now I’ve just come home.  At the start of the day I was all fired up to do a retrospective blog about my recent travels; now I’m so tired I just want to collapse on the bed.

Perhaps I should have eased back into things a little more after two weeks away followed by four long days on the road.

Safe Return

Day 350


I got home about 3:30 this afternoon.


Someone has been a little clingy and attention-seeking.

Book review:

This is a fairly unknown book, but one of my favorites.  Ursula, an eleven-year-old girl on the Swedish island of Gotland in the 1800s, lives with her aunt and uncle after her parents’ deaths.  Although everyone on the island knits items to sell (men and children included) Ursula finds the craft frustrating and beyond her abilities.  When her aunt’s ship goes missing on a trip to Stockholm, Ursula teaches herself to knit as a sort of promise to keep believing in her aunt’s return, even though others on the island give up hope.  Ursula’s struggle to knit as a metaphor for keeping hope alive and the lore of the traditional knitting pattern she uses are appealing.  This novel is based on a true incident in the island’s past.