Day 52

Alma Mater

There’s nothing like a trip to one’s old college to make one feel both young and old at the same time.  It’s all simultaneously so familiar and yet so far in the past.  Today my friend Denise and I took her daughter back to university after a couple of days at home.  We saw her dorm room, had lunch together in a typical college town establishment, and strolled the main street on a beautiful football game day.  It was as if I’d only left yesterday until Michelle’s friend Patrick greeted one of my remarks with “My grandma says the same thing.”  Little snot.





1 thought on “Day 52

  1. You’re not old because you can still remember your days in college! It’s when you begin to forget that, that’s when you know you’re old 😉 P.S. Come back and visit… ’twas so fun! 🙂

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